WithClutch - Senior Software Engineer
01/2024 - Present
- Full-stack engineer and security champion for the Account Opening team
- Part of the team resposible for the account opening product
- Responsible for implementing the multiple membership and extra fees features
Luma Health - Senior Frontend Engineer
07/2022 - 01/2024
- Built the frontend experience for Luma’s Digital Call Deflection from design to code. Reducing more than 15,000 minutes of call center time at Main Line in the first month of implementation
- Led conversations with external teams that enabled Luma to get partnerships with companies like Nextgen (with a revenue of 670 million USD in 2023 ‑ NASDAQ: NXGN and 2800 employees) and Change Healthcare (with more than 10000 employees and a revenue of 3.5 billion in 2022 ‑ Nasdaq: CHNG)
Luma Health - Junior Frontend Engineer
03/2020 - 07/2022
- Crafted a new user management and settings system for the main app, including 30 new screens and five interactive tables
- Introduced a monitoring system including logging, dashboards, and alerts, scaling down the amount of daily bugs by 90%
- Contributed to the enhancement of the company’s WordPress blog security through the integration of new PHP features, optimizing website scalability, and introducing 12 new pages in a single quarter
Phidelis - Junior Wordpress Engineer
12/2019 - 03/2020
- Integrated Vue and Nuxt with Phidelis’ WordPress Rest API, making possible the use of WordPress as a content administrator while Vue and Nuxt can render the application separately. This raised the company website performance by 50%
- Managed the security and maintenance of WordPress blogs and Moodle experiences for multiple schools and universities